Consider Switching From Oil to a Gas Furnace

Numerous energy sources give Americans a lot of choice when it comes to heating their homes. They can turn to electricity, propane, fossil fuels, even alternative sources of power, but the benefits of gas outstrip the benefits of other fuels, especially oil. If you are considering switching from oil to a gas furnace, here are…

Window Insulating Made Easy and Affordable

Windows with good insulation help keep your home warm during the winter. There is less problem of draft – cold outdoor air seeping in through the gaps in the window frame. Proper insulation of windows is necessary to increase energy efficiency of indoor heating. Your heating system will use less energy when there is effective…

Good Advice For Dealing With Homeowner’s Insurance

Make sure you assess the overall value of your valuables in your home before sitting down with an insurance agent. Make an inventory of all things that must be replaced after a disaster. Paying off a home mortgage can help you save on your policy. Insurance agencies make the assumption that people with high equity…